Google AdSense is the current leader in content-sensitive web-based marketing. By placing Google AdSense JavaScript code on their web pages webmasters allow Google's AdSense servers to show advertisements (Google Adwords) based upon the content of the web page. You can find some suggestions on optimizing ad layouts here. An unofficial list of high paying keywords is here. The left hand side of this page shows an example of a Clicksor skyscraper displaying a text or image ad.
Google's terms and conditions are such that some web publishers cannot use adsense adverts on their sites. Either they are not accepted into the Google AdSense program, or in a situation that is becoming increasingly more common do not wish to do business with Google. Has your adsense account been disabled? Then try these alternatives.
For those web publishers, there are many alternatives to Google AdSense a number of which are described below. If you are an advertiser then here is a list of the top 10 alternatives to adwords.
A number of publishers also find that Google does not have a wide enough selection of adverts that match the content of their site thus Google often displays public service ads (PSA) for which the CPC rate is zero. An alternative to PSAs is to specify an alternetive ad house whose adverts are displayed when Google would normally show a PSA. This increases the overall revenue your site can generate. You do this by specifying the keyword google_alternate_ad_url in the adsense java script and then direct it to your alternative ad provider.
- AdBrite (Recommended by this site)
- AdToll
- AzoogleAds
- Bidvertiser (Recommended by this site)
- Chitika
- Claxon
- Clicksor (Recommended by this site)
- ClickThruTraffic
- ClixGalore
- ContextWeb
- Enhance Interactive
- Exit Junction (Recommended by this site)
- Fastclick
- InfoLinks (Recommended by this site)
- Kanoodle Bright Ads
- Kontera
- LinkShare
- MIVA AdRevenue Xpress
- Nixxie
- Quigo AdSonar
- Rydium
- Searchfeed
- TargetPoint
- Vibrant Media IntelliTXT
- Vibrant Media SmartAd
- Yahoo Publisher Network
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