Here is an incredible story, told in just four photographs. It is of the people who dare to challenge the dangers. And such people do make their mark---- they leave their footprints on the sands of time. Those, who crib & cry, and then , sulk at the first danger when time comes to prove their worth ---are the losers in life---no matter how brilliant and intelligent they were. 'Men of action' are the people who change the course of history and not those 'who blabber out 'philosophical excellence' but stagnate in space and time. To succeed, one needs to act-----and act at the very instant-----otherwise life just goes by unheard, uncared, unsung and unfulfilled.
Here is an interesting E MAIL-----Kindly watch the photos and wonder at the audacity of the man in the photographs------since I had been to Grand Canyon----I know what an impossible feat this man in photographs has achieved. Just see it for yourself:-
Life is a Game...
God likes the winner, loves the loser...
God likes the winner, loves the loser...
The following photographs were taken by photographer Hans van de Vorst at the Grand Canyon, Arizona. The descriptions are his own. The identity of the photographer in the photos is unknown.

I was simply stunned seeing this guy standing on this solitary rock IN the Grand Canyon.
The canyon's depth is 900 meters here. The rock on the right is next to the canyon and safe.
Watching this guy on his thong sandals, with a camera and a tripod I asked myself 3 questions:
1. How did he climb that rock?
2. Why not taking that sunset picture on that rock to the right, which is perfectly safe?
3. How will he get back?

The canyon's depth is 900 meters here. The rock on the right is next to the canyon and safe.
Watching this guy on his thong sandals, with a camera and a tripod I asked myself 3 questions:
1. How did he climb that rock?
2. Why not taking that sunset picture on that rock to the right, which is perfectly safe?
3. How will he get back?
This is the point of no return.

After the sun set behind the canyon's horizon he packed his things (having only one hand available)
and prepared himself for the jump. This took about 2 minutes.
At that point he had the full attention of the crowd.
After that, he jumped on his thong sandals...
The canyon's depth is 900 meters here..
Now you can see that the adjacent rock is higher so he tried to land lower, which is quite steep
and tried to use his one hand to grab the rock.

and prepared himself for the jump. This took about 2 minutes.
At that point he had the full attention of the crowd.
After that, he jumped on his thong sandals...
The canyon's depth is 900 meters here..
Now you can see that the adjacent rock is higher so he tried to land lower, which is quite steep
and tried to use his one hand to grab the rock.
We've come to the end of this little story. Look carefully at the photographer. .
He has a camera, a tripod and also a plastic bag, all on his shoulder or in his left hand.
Only his right hand is available to grab the rock and the weight of his stuff is a problem.
He lands low on this flip flops both his right hand and right foot slips away...
At that moment I take this shot.
He pushes his body against the rock.
He waits for a few seconds, throws his stuff on the rock, climbs and walks away.
"Impossible is Nothing"
Life is a game. God likes the winner, loves the loser but, hates the viewer. So, be the player.
There is nothing like impossible
NOTE:- Based on RAMESH007's observation I went to the stated site----I found the auothors of site only question the depth of 900 meters-----and claimed that there was a SHELF below the jumper. But the point is how much below him was the SHELF? I say, even if the shelf was just 9 meters (30 feet) below-----some 100 times less ---still it was a daring feat. I don't think the 'truth exposing site' has been able to prove the feat as FALSE and a FAKE. Their case is simply told : WE REFUSE TO ACCEPT THIS FEAT ------? Read what the TRUTH BUSTING SITE says;-
The pictures are authentic, but there is a little more to the story than the pictures show.
Hans Van de Vorst is a photographer from the Netherlands and posted the photos on Whoever started the eRumor used them without permission and Van de Vorst has declined to let us post them. You can CLICK HERE for that link.
It is a sequence of pictures that Van de Vorst took of a tourist at the Grand Canyon who was standing on a small rock atop a column of rocks with a camera on a tripod and taking pictures of a sunset. Nearby in the picture is the edge of a cliff from which he apparently jumped and to which he will need to once again jump when he's finished. The pictures, and the narrative with the pictures, leave the impression that the drop between the column of rocks and the cliff was 900 meters (nearly 3,000 feet) to the bottom of the canyon. In reality, however, there is shelf (?) between them that is out of sight below what is seen in the picture. If the tourist had missed the cliff, he would have dropped to that shelf. It is still a death-defying act for him, however, because the drop from the front or either side of the rock is to the bottom of the canyon and even hitting the shelf safely is a risk. Van de Vorst said that he did not intend to hide the shelf. From where he was watching the tourist the shelf was not visible and he did not know of it until a later time.
The daredevil has never been identified. Van de Vorst says he has no idea who the guy is. Anybody know who he is---and wants to admit it?"
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