Mobiles have jumped into our living rooms, bedrooms, bathrooms and kitchens and invaded our privacy. Are we able to whole heartedly attend to family discussions or formal meetings atleast for half an hour with no interruptions? Are we able to listen to atleast one song of our choice completely at one shot? Are we able to listen to soul stirring speeches or sit through kutcheris with no interruptions?No, the mobiles would have disturbed us with the annoying ringtones or silent vibrations, umpteen times within that short span.Are parents able to stop their teenage children from this mobile craze? Once a child just enters college life, the first birthday gift to land on his desk is a mobile even before a bike at his doorstep.
Are we able to take a short afternoon nap without being banged by irritated confrontations of not being reachable? Even the punishment or legal actions for using mobiles while driving has not created any impact. Or even the regular alarms of the scores of health hazards in mobile usage has done little to reduce the usage.Today after working for hours,through day and night shifts, we cannot still boast of better productivity of the earlier days of lesser working hours. The reason just coils up into a single WORD "Mobile", that has become the WORLD for many today.What a variety of sizes, colours, brands, features and technological developments with every new model introduced. Where then can you or me just even think of being without one. MOBILE has become the first wife of most of the men. A decade ago, owning a mobile was a mark of prestige and Luxury but today mostly everyone, a child, an adult, a businessman, a street vendor, student own one or more sans intervention by factors like age, status, income level,etc. No one can deny the single reverberation being heard globally of the loss of the golden period of privacy, silently followed by a sad note of anxiety if we are blessed enough to get it back? If the optimum use can be judged right by every user, then we can escape being mobbed by the mobile menace.We can make the mobile an angel and our life an eden.
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