Beauty… How do you define it? Can one really define it ? It’s a Difficult job notwithstanding the fact that we keep on experiencing it in this meandering life of ours.
For one, beauty is something which overwhelms our senses and prevails upon us to believe that life is not all that bad.
Every aspect of life is beautiful, yet it depends upon the eyes of the beholder. Thus very true is the saying that ‘Beauty lies in the eyes of beholder’
Beauty, though predominantly experienced through our eyes, is not limited to sight only. Beauty can also reach us through our ears, the olfactory or our taste buds.
Good music is beautiful. It takes our mind to a different world. Sometimes the music is so very much pervasive that our hearts begin to dance in its rhythmn. The music tends to take us to some new world then. We all surely have had such experiences.
There is beauty in good fragrances. No wonder man has always been after perfumes, scents and the like. Fragrances conjure up images in our minds , or tend to affect the way we look or perceive things. Good fragrances produce peace in our minds- isn’t that beautiful.
Good food is definitely beautiful. Everyone is a different person after a good meal. The very thought of a good meal produces zest in our otherwise boring routine life.
Apart from above, there is beauty in human creation and human nature. Human creation. because it has added so much to this world with promise of doing much more. Human nature because it’s filled with inquisition , optimism and compassion.
There’s beauty in humour. There’s beauty in sorrow. There’s beauty in our triumphs because they make us feel second to none. There’s a beauty in our problems as well - because they give us an opportunity to explore ourselves and the world around us.
Beauty envelops us in an unceasing abundance. Every facet of life is filled with beauty.
Beauty is a feeling- create it, spread and above all just try experiencing it.
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